Date: 2/27/2019
By BadAsh96
I had a zombie dream. We are in this dessert on a mission and at first it is all quiet then we are in those hole and the zombies start appearing. The sky is a dark deep blue. In the distance a black bull is charging toward is with smoke al round it and red eyes. I’ve had this dream before. There is clickers and runners etc. I go off to explore this big house on the hill. I just leave the group. I walk up to the sliding doors and they are unlocked. I walk inside with caution and after I’m inside I lock the door and shut the blinds just enough so I can still see what it going on outside. I walk up the stares carpeted stairs it’s almost like a church setup. And it’s quiet in here. I am also super quiet as I check the building. There are no zombies here. My other dream was about a tribe that were cannibals. There were goats everywhere and these people came into the village. They were eaten. I was wondering why they always spared me, yet they always looked at me with hunger in their eyes. This lead to the zombie dream. ^