Date: 2/9/2018
By mooncreature
Why when i slept early i always had scary dreams? i heard one of the office boy got fired. He wasnt an office ‘boy’ anymore, he was already old. Poor man, he wanted to defend himself but the boss didnt want to keep him anymore so i heard them argued but i cant remember what were they arguing about. he was disabled, always in his wheelchair. After that scene i got glimpses of him taking a bus and getting off not in a bus stop, so the bus driver called him when he got out of the bus. He drove his wheelchair so fast into a ravine and everyone in the bus screamed. He killed himself. I got glimpses of his body hitting the jutting part of the rocks and destroyed his wheelchair. He kept going down and hitting rocks and part by part he was missing his body parts and at the end his head got severed from his body. I also caught a glimpse of a police saying “we could not be sure if it’s him if we can’t identify the body”. These glimpses happened like it was a teaser to a next episode in a series. Next scene, i was in my home, after work. I could clearly remember how my home was in my dream like it was someone’s house that i have went to. the living room was one with the pantry, and further ahead on the left was the kitchen with a stove, and to the right was a big space with a dining table. The paint was light blue, like my late grandma’s house. Maybe that’s why i started thinking my grandma was living there too with me and my mom. Nobody’s home. i went to the kitchen and saw a pot being boiled and the contents are flowing out. I tried so hard to turn off the stove but finding the ‘off’ strip was so hard since it was sooo small and soo thin, hidden between other settings of fire. Twas fucking weird. but i managed to turn it off. I called my grandma but i had no answer. I started to see stickers that had weird words. And writings about that man who went to kill himself in my previous scene. I somehow had this thought that the man was actually my grandma’s house assistant too. He already decided he wanted to kill himself while still working with my grandma. Thats why the stove was still on since he hasnt finished cooking. My mom then came home and when she got out of the car i asked her did she knew anything about the stickers with weird words. She said she didnt know what i was talking about and went to prepare food in the pantry. The end.