Date: 4/4/2019
By LucyElla
Me and a few friends lived in the same area our houses were really close to each other and one of my friends had a daughter but she needed special care and me and Sophie (my sister) didn't think we was being looked after probably. His house had an extra bit connected to to which was the girl's room he knew we were in there and tried to get through the door but Sophie was holding it shut, for some reason I had ghost powers meaning I can take control of and body but I wouldn't be strange enough to hold the state for more then an hour and a half. Her dad came in but I had taken over the girls body already it was to keep her safe so she wouldn't hear anything and it ment my friend couldn't touch her therefore couldn't grab her off me. He sat down in front of me on the sofa he didn't really know about my ghost powers so was shocked to see me because when I take over someone's body my body flotes sprightly off the ground with a while and gold glow all around it I made sure I was careful to not take over more when just her conscience so that was why my body was still visible as I went into that state I suddenly was looking into the house from above like i was a spectator then he asked me why i was doing this I then got brought back down and I told him how I didn't think he was looking after her and he knew about how powerful she could before so he probably just wanted to wait untill she was old enough that he could use it for himself I took the girl away he tried to run and grab her but I pushed him back and I can't remember quite what happened after but he then got his laptop out to show me he just wanted what was best for her but a video came up I told him he had to play it and it showed him trying to force the girl to go into her power state but it was draining the girl because she is too young to be practicing her powers now i took the girl away to a safe house so that I would raise her and teach her about the powers we hold later in life.