My Plants Became Humans

Date: 9/4/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

I woke up, about to get ready for the morning as I do my usual morning routine. I would use the bathroom, feed my cat, get breakfast, make my bed, get dressed, open my blinds and water my plants that sat on my windowsill. As I went through the list and began watering my plants, they started shaking. It scared me because I thought there was an earthquake, even though they rarely occur where I lived. But the plants shook so much to where they jumped off the windowsill onto my floor until there was a bunch of smoke filling up my bedroom. Totally blinded and nearly suffocating, I struggled to find my way to find my door to unlock it and stumble out into the hallway. We have this large metal fan that sits out there because our AC doesn't work anymore, so I grabbed that to put it on max and blow most of the smoke away. The smoke soon dispersed, and there was four men collapsed on the floor, out cold and naked. To a point. It was as if their bodies had leaf-like scales, from their face to their toes. All had dark tan skin and brown hair. In shock, I turned off the fan and walked in my room, not knowing what else to do but grab my blanket from the bed and tried to cover all of them before trying to wake them up. The possibly tallest one with the slicked back hair woke up and blinked, looking around before landing his green eyes on me, to a point he squinted his eyes. "Mother?" I stared at him, so puzzled. He smiled, looking relieved. He sat up and quickly hugged me tightly, making the chills build up over my already existed chills. When he let go of me and saw the terrified look on my face, he blinked, confused and asking what was wrong. Another one with wavy hair began groaning as he soon rose up and looked around, exclaiming suddenly to see the other two guys in the floor to knock into the other guy on his back, getting freaked out again. That awoken another guy with messy hair with red-orange mixed in with his brown, and he grumbled as sat up and told the other guy to shut up since he was being too loud. The last guy finally woke up and sat up as well, blankly looking around and staring at them, asking everyone what had happened. "I don't know, but I found Mother." The first guy that hugged me said, turning to me with a smile. They stared at me, looking at me with hopeful and relieved eyes, waiting for answers. Shaking my head at them, I was also confounded. I asked who they were and why they were in my house. As if hurt, that same guy pouted. "I'm Johnny. Johnny Cash?" He turned around to point at the other guys. "And that's Zack, Raiden, and Cloud."** I blinked, staying at them. I realized my plants were now humans. Johnny began to stand, and I stood up quickly and looked around the room, not landing my eyes on him. I began to explain myself that I should get them clothes until I was interrupted by angry shouting. "Johnny, you idiot!" Raiden yelled irritably. He scolded him to stay underneath the blanket, pulling him down and covering him up roughly. Through his annoyed apologies, I shook my head and hands at Raiden as I awkwardly stepped around them to open my closet to pull out some large pajama pants and old shirts from high school and my work, since both were so big and unisex clothing. I handed them the clothes before I stumbled my way out the door to let them change. I wanted to make eggs and bacon really quick to make them breakfast, but seeing as they're still plants, I didn't think that would be appropriate, so I just got them water, pouring the cold, fresh liquid in cups. They walked and waited behind me, scaring me as I turned around and noticed them. After shaking away Raiden's strict apologies and Johnny's shameful laughter, I handed them their water. They all drank it, with Raiden quickly gulping it down his throat, which amused me to where it was oddly satisfying to watch him drink. Johnny drank a little bit, sipping about 1/16 of the cup until Raiden lectured him to drink the entire cool while glaring at him intensely. I noticed they all fit in my clothes, despite them having such fit bodies, making me glad that I didn't have to dig through my brothers' or my dad's closets for their clothes. It was kinda cute, like big brothers finally awake. I thought about what they wanted to eat, and I didn't think any meat would help them at all, and neither did I think any vegetables or fruits would be appropriate since they're plants themselves. So I asked if they were hungry. They looked at each other and shrugged before looking at me. Zack asked what did I eat. I replied I had eggs and bacon with rice. Curious, they stared at me with wide eyes. Zack asked what all of that was and that if they could try some, looking very eager. I started to panic internally, because I didn't want to explain that I was eating baby birds that didn't get a chance to live, strips of seasoned slaughters pigs, and a grain-related plant. As if noticing my uneasiness, Raiden told them off as he said that I didn't have to say anything and ushered them away, making them pout in disappointment. Feeling bad, I will suggested watching a movie and turned in the TV to where it automatically was on a nature documentary. Before I could switch settings and find a DVD, they were all intrigued and sat on the sofa together, staring at the screen as they drank their water. Feeling relieved that I was able to satisfy them in some way, I was going to join them until I was held back by Raiden. He pulled me back into the kitchen and looked back at the other guys before looking back at me with his stunning dark green eyes. He looked so strict, almost annoyed. "What's going on here?" He asked, his words hushed, quick, and sharp. I shrugged, nervously explaining that I didn't know as well. "Why are we humans?" Again, I replied I didn't know. "Did you do this? How did you do it? Why?" Getting irritated, I sharply and strictly said that I didn't know, directly into his face. I took notice of the leaf-like scales on his dark cheeks and nose bridge almost shaking as I got closer to his face, like my breath blew onto them. After scanning all over my eyes, Raiden sighed defeated as he loosened his grip on my wrist. He apologized and he stared at the floor. "I'm just so scared and confused, and I don't know what to do." My heart completely shattering, I pulled Raiden into a hug, tightly embracing him into my comfort. It took a minute, but he accepted my hug, already raising his hands and tightly holding onto the back of my shirt. I apologized as well and suggested to go back with the others to watch that nature documentary. Raiden agreed and said thanks ashamedly as we entered into the living room and sat on the sofa with the others to watch with them. We had a good time to where they all drifted to sleep around noon, when the sun shone brightly through the blinds and into the room. They all leaned upon each other onto my shoulders, with Cloud and Zack on one side and Johnny and Raiden in the other. It got really warm and soothing to a point I let everything around me shatter into crystal dust as I drifted off to sleep myself to where I actually woke up.