a flying mechanical robot shark and I get abducted by the drug cartel

Date: 7/17/2018

By salvo

It started normally. I was vacationing on the beach with my family, when all of a sudden, this absolutely massive shark started swimming around really close to shore. It wasn’t attacking anybody, but people were afraid that it would. We all figured out somehow that it was a mechanical shark, so people tried to get on top of it and get inside to turn it off, but it was too fast to just swim up to it. Groups of people were making human slingshots, basically using two or three really strong people to throw someone else in the general direction of the shark, hoping that they would land it. I was one of the people being thrown. I landed on the shark at the same time as someone else, but they slipped off. I climbed inside and learned the controls really easily. Instead of turning it off, however, I turned on its flight mode and flew it out of the water and to my house. As I approached my house in the flying robot shark, I noticed a bunch of helicopters flying around. I landed the shark, and pressed a button that compressed it into a super tiny cube (which I left outside on the lawn). There was police tape covering the doors and windows of my house, but i just moved them out of the way. Inside, i saw that they were looking for the location of the shark. They didn’t know I was here. Then, my fiancé (it was the girl that played Vanessa in Deadpool) walked in and asked what was happening. At that point, the police knew I was there and demanded I turn over the shark. I refused, and walked back outside, but they followed. They demanded I give the shark to them, and I said some really cool one-liner (that, unfortunately, I can’t remember now *cries*) and pressed a button on the hidden shark in the grass. Immediately it grew to its full size, and I climbed in and we flew off. Then the dream changed. I met this older guy and a church thing, and he told me that he was hosting a corn maze at his farm, and asked if I wanted to come check it out. I agreed, and we drove in his truck out to the middle of the woods, with a big cabin. He took me inside the house and took me to the basement. There were about a dozen kids already sitting around, and a few adults watching them. The whole thing had really creepy vibes: the basement was dimly lit, the kids all looked malnourished (one of the girls had mange), and the adults looked scary and dangerous. The man who initially took me down to the basement passed around flyers with an itinerary on it. Most of the schedule was getting washed and clean and eating food, but right at the very end, was just the word “deportation”. I realized that this guy had abducted all of these kids, including myself, and was planning on deporting us to various countries around the world. I still (miraculously) had my phone on me, and I tried to send a message to my Snapchat group explaining the situation and to have them call 911. I had to be careful bc of the adults watching, and it took me a really long time. I also sent them my location, so the police would know where to go. By the time I was done sending the message, kids were already being taken away. I knew I had to escape, so I bolted upstairs and ran outside to a short deck. I ran into and knocked over a younger kid, who I knew was working with the people who abducted me (and also looked like on of my coworkers irl). He tried to stop me but I pushed him to the ground and tried to yell at him about how unjust this all was. Then, the guy who had kidnapped me came through the door. He was only wearing boxers and a really sweaty, yellow-stained, white T-shirt. The part of the shirt covering his belly was cut out in a semi circle shape, and through the opening in the shirt and a hole in his boxers, the guy’s dick was just out and swinging. I immediately got off the kid and backed up defensively. I remember apologizing profusely to the man and telling him it would never happen again. He grabbed me without saying anything and started dragging me to the barn behind the cabin. Once we got there, he strapped me to the table and pulled out some medical equipment. I struggled the whole time. He put a sheet between my head and where he was operating on my chest, right underneath my right boob. He pulled out a tool that looked like an emulsion blender and started pushing at my skin. It hurt a lot, and I screamed and moaned the whole time. When he was done he pulled back the sheet to show a large square of skin and muscle on my chest that had been pulled off, leaving a crevice that was filling quickly with my blood. He moved the tool around in this hole to stir up the blood, and then covered it with thick gauze. He let me off the table and told me it was a rite of passage, he lifted his own shirt to show me a scar that was a similar shape to the one he had just given me. I limped around the warehouse weakly, watching kids operate forklifts and carry large bags. All of the bags these kids were moving around were probably fifty pounds and full of the blue meth from breaking bad. As I watched, the police and an ambulance showed up and arrested the guy + all of his goons, and they also confiscated all of the meth. I don’t remember the rest of the dream after that.