Random Sonic Dream, Mowgli is a Traitor, & My Sister Choosing to be Homeless

Date: 1/7/2019

By fluffytree

So it's been a long time since I posted or even remembered my dreams. I'd say about a month actually. Anyway in my first dream recall of 2019 I found myself in a familiar dream world that I've been too before. It was a pretty island paradise that I assume was Jamaica or some other Caribbean island because I am in the body of my friend John who lives in Jamaica. I had something I really needed to do but can't remember what. Just that I had to get somewhere asap. So I ran along roads with light traffic and found I could move superhumanly fast. So fast I could almost keep up with freeway traffic. Once I got into the main city I jumped a mighty leap sailing nearly 60ft up in the air and landed on a sidewalk near a big bus I felt like I was there to catch. One random thing I noticed was that I saw Sonic the Hedgehog along with his crew Tails and Knuckles all standing around talking on top of a streetlight. Then suddenly I had a crazy idea. That I could ride on top of Sonic's head to get to where I needed even faster than the bus. So I effortlessly jumped up and straight onto his head only for him to immediately shake me off and laugh. Knuckles and Tails laugh as well and then start making fun of me. Then I randomly thought about chocolate and my alarm woke me up. Later on I took a nap for a bit and had a couple more dreams. In this one I was in another somewhat familiar setting. This time I was in India amidst some kind of war. I don't know what year it was but it looked like maybe the 1920s. It seemed to be British soldiers fighting against the local Indian soldiers so I take it this was them rightfully fighting for their territory. I was on the roof of a dilapidated building and decided to make my way down where upon doing so I ran into an adult Mowgli from the Jungle Book live action movie (1994 version) starring Jason Scott Lee. He was dressed as a British soldier wearing a tan uniform and tall hat while holding a rifle. I was shocked that he had turned on his country and joined the Royal British army. He points his gun at me and tells me to freeze and I tell him to hold on. I mention how I can't believe he's doing this and how I thought he was a decent guy. He seems angry and frustrated though, lost even. But I can see the hesitation in his actions and the inner conflict that's happening inside. I know he's taken advantage of people and done some horrible things lately, but I still believe there is good in him. But then out of nowhere Shere Kahn the tiger jumps in and growls at the both of us. And then a melee battle ensues between all 3 of us. I can't tell you who won because in the midst of it I was whisked away to another dream world. In my final dream I found myself underground in yet another dilapidated building walking around with my sister. The floor was wet in certain spots and yet you had homeless people living down here and some even laying on makeshift beds on the bare ground. It looked like a terrible way to live and I felt really sorry for them. We weren't too far underground though since beams of sunlight filtered in through a few openings that were once windows and doorways. My sister led me further and further inwards and she was wearing a backpack so I take it she'd been traveling. My memories told me that we hadn't seen each other in awhile and I didn't even know where she was living now. Once at the end of the building we get to a square room that's very damp. In one corner is a homeless man trying to sleep on a pallet made of several thick blankets while not more than 3ft away was a nicer looking pallet of sheets that was made up and everything. I think this was an air mattress too and probably the only one down here. But my sister reveals that this is her bed and where she's chosen to live. I can't believe it. On one hand I'm shocked, but on the other I find it admirable because she's here by choice when she totally could've afforded a house, apartment, or even stayed with me or my mom if she was having a rough go. But I feel like she's on some sort of spiritual and existential journey where this is apart of it. She's literally doing the whole Christian Bale thing from Batman Begins minus all the ninja training from Ra's al Ghul. I did wonder where her 2 year old son and my nephew was in all this. Maybe she left him with my mom? I woke up shortly after this though.