
Date: 9/11/2017

By xoe

Writing for SNL. Laughing all the time, but also sad and stressed. All night Coke parties, watching the sun rise. Amy Sedaris and I working on Christmas characters based on a family window across the corner. Things start to get messy. Great parties but stresss. Having sex with my gay male best friend, and both instantly feeling wrong. Knowing something has to change. Workshopping a skit, led by John Belushi. He's actually smart and sweet, not the ahold bully jock he appears to be. Kristin Stewart lying on the floor, singing about drinking her way around the world. She starts crying, and can't go on. I comfort her, patting her hair. Later work someplace else. Sort of the Cable Company. Big changes with the new president. The atmosphere is changing. I'm cataloging and working in the stacks, but the electricity is all messed up. I need help. Dusty wants me to reorganize files, Gregg wants me to catalog his chair. Teaching Dusty about CIP data. 423.02 Lady from administration interviewing people to decide if they keep their jobs. I'm at work early in a green nightgown. I need to change, but emergencies. One after another.