Random court case generator

Date: 8/27/2020

By dydeath

I entered my aunts room and saw a huge storm going on outside, like natural disaster type storm. We saw huge amounts of lighting and buildings were being destroyed. After a bit our house kind of got moved and our window view of the storm was blocked and I was pretty disappointed. I saw this school that was basically falling apart and started waving at them, then threw the middle fingers at them, my mom got pretty mad at me for doing that but I tried to explain didnt do it to the kids I more did it for the system. Then she had this app/book that could write random story type stuffs and she wanted something written but the book couldn't do it for her and she was having trouble with it so she asked my help and I tried to help. The app/book was so hard to use because you needed to copy the story's code and paste it onto a list if you wanted it saved. And one time I just generated an entire story and sped through it to try to get through it. I started to get frustrated and decided to go inside a story to see what was going on inside and was transported, I was in a court room, and I was a lawyer. I was going to go out but I couldn't, I was stuck inside until the trial ended, I saw my friend next to me and when I tried to get to them i hit a barrier. It turned out that in this randomly generated story the defendents had protect their lawyers, while the lawyers got judged. I was so scared because my friend knew nothing about being a lawyer and I apparently was a lawyer in this story and had full knowledge about how to be one. She bailed me out by saying I needed fresh air and they had to release me from the bubble because I was having difficulty breathing or some shit, and the judge let me out but said I would have to go back in once the case began. We looked up and saw my mom and my aunt who had just come back from the store with some snacks and I was so disappointed I couldn't have any because I was stuck inside the book. They managed a way to send some juice and snacks into the book and evryone ate. Then we prepared for the hardest case we would have to defend. And then i woke up.