Date: 2/25/2019
By fannypack
So i got my left nipple pierced on an island by someone i was visibly close to ( a friend?) it didn't hurt at all so i was happy about that, i paid him 10 bucks and had to keep the prothese on for a while, which was ugly as fuck. I asked him when and for what i could change it. He said Uh there's a problem every other boutique sells them for 1 buck or 2 but mine are 600 sooo. I was like dafuq man where do i get 600 bucks from and he's like well idk. I leave and randomly find girls with their nipple's pierced they tell me they got em for 2 bucks i'm like where can i get em and then i start seeing hundreds of nipples pierced and i be jealous as fuck. Anyways i get teleported to the beach with my parents whom i have to hide my nipple from problem is im wearing a transparent tshirt so always have my arm in front of my boobs . We then go get stuff at a supermarket nearby and my mom gets obsessed with some weird blankets so i go get lolipops and an eraser??