
Date: 9/29/2018

By Djpawn3

So in this dream I liked in a world where everyone was a mutant and had special abilities (like my hero academia or x men). My power was to run super super super fast. So I was trying to get into this school and I got into a fight with some kid also trying to get in while we were waiting on line to get in, I beat him easily. So I got pulled away by one of the meanest teachers: Mrs Hall. I was expecting to get in trouble but she just asked if I’d like to join her on a walk and she will decide what happens after. As we walk we talk about what happened to cause my fight (we talk about this for a really long time but I don’t remember most of it). We walked through a giant mosk, parts of NYC and finally stopped in a nice little village where Mrs Hall remembered she forgot her purse in the mosk. I told her not to worry that I would go and get it. I start sprinting super fast to the mosk which was apparently half way around the world. As I get there I notice it is closing hours and they won’t let anyone in anymore. I go over to someone that works there and start talking to them before remembering that I am in Italy and they can’t understand me, they let me in anyway. Inside I realize that it does not look the same as it did before. Before it was made of gold and it was big and peaceful. Now it looks like a haunted house compleat with a creepy girl staring at me from one of the rooms. I slowly back away and begin running but I have no idea where I’m going. Eventually I see an exit and run into the backyard. Outside I see two young girls who ask me what is wrong. I say I came to find a purse but it’s like the shining inside. They hand over Mrs Halls bag and say goodbye. I start running back to Mrs Hall but get stuck at a red light. As I wait I see a boy and a girl standing at the light too. The girl suddenly starts walking into the street. I yell at her the same time that a car runs into her. But the car just goes right through her and she is completely in harmed. I wonder what the boys mutation is but the light changes and I run back to Mrs Hall