Cuddling With My Friend

Date: 4/3/2021

By Xiileaf

(Note) I had this dream maybe a day or two ago, but I just was too lazy to write anything as I have been for the past 8 months. I was probably half-asleep when I was dreaming this. At least, I was towards the end. Oh, and I finally dreamed in first person again lol. (In Dream) I’m unsure where I was, but it kinda seemed like some sort of amusement park ride. It definitely wasn’t supposed to be one, but that’s the closest I could get to describing this. The “ride” was kind of like an unsafe ovalic Ferris wheel. There were two of them. The seats were wide red/brown brick with no safety bar. They looked somewhat like a couch with their arm rests, but it certainly wasn’t comfortable enough to be called one. Myself and about three other people, including Tom, who was sitting right next to me, were on the same seat. There were more people on other seats and even more people on the Ferris wheel about 50 feet across from us. Both Ferris wheels were moving in sync and they were going the opposite direction. There were red/brown brick pillars on the white/grey concrete slabs holding up a red/brown concrete roof/“ceiling” covering the entire “ride” area. I was scared shitless that I was going to fall off. The Ferris wheel, being on an ovalic path, practically threw me off, fulfilling my fears, as I rounded the top arc and I fell maybe twenty feet down onto the concrete below. I promptly got up, almost 100% fine, and got back into the Ferris wheel. I sat on the same seat that I was on before, but my friend, Tom, held onto me, giving me a side hug. I was likely crying at this point because I had fallen off ((but I can’t remember)). After it seemed as if the Ferris wheel had slowed down ((it didn’t)) enough to where it wouldn’t yeet me off of it, I lied down on the Ferris wheel. Tom was sitting with his arm against the left arm rest. I was lying down with my head on his thighs. I was nervous that I was making him uncomfortable, but he didn’t do anything. I think he eventually moved his right hand to my head and just lied it there ((😳🥺)). (Not in Dream) I (kinda) unfortunately woke up after that. Idk. I’m probably touch starved lmfao. I don’t know why else I would dream about wholesome couples’ things about me any my friends otherwise.

AI generated interpretation Interpretation: This dream could be interpreted as a reflection of your feelings of insecurity and fear about trusting people and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. The feeling of the Ferris wheel throwing you off and the fear of falling off again could represent your fear of getting hurt in relationships. The cuddling with Tom could represent your desire for physical and emotional closeness with someone, and the fear of making them uncomfortable could be a reflection of your fear of not being good enough. This dream could also be a sign that you are ready to open up and trust people more, and that you need to be more confident in yourself in order to fully commit to a relationship.