Getting Bad Service at a Detroit Hotel

Date: 8/7/2018

By fluffytree

Me and my family had just arrived at some hotel and had apparently been on a long road trip to get here. It was my great grandmother's birthday soon and we had decided awhile back to hold a special party here. She died irl back in late 2015 at age 94 so it was nice to see her alive and well again here. Well she did seem like she was in her last years though which was being tired and out of breath alot while also needing a cane to get around. We had trouble with this hotel from the start. For one, our reservations seemed to have gotten lost because nothing was coming up for us even though we reserved our rooms and the party room weeks ago. The lady there kept saying she was sorry but that we'd have to simply take what was available now. My mom and grandmother were pissed and expressed how unsatisfied they were with the service. Not only was the service bad though, but the hotel looked dirty and it was in a ghetto area in Detroit too. It doesn't make sense how we would be on a road trip for hours only to still be stuck in the same city we left, but this didn't cross my mind at the time. I wandered around in the meantime and found a small party room with a large white cake with the name "Anna" written in frosting on the top. No one was here so I wondered if this was the room we had been promised originally. My great grandmother's name isn't Anna or anything even close to that but maybe it was a nickname I never knew about? Some random older women came in talking loudly and I asked if this person's actual name was the name of my great grandmother and they said no, but they still offered me a slice of cake even though the event hadn't even started yet I thought it was generous but I couldn't take it. Or maybe I did I can't remember. I left and wandered some more but eventually came back to that room when I ran into my mom who mentioned that that was indeed her party room that the hotel had mistakenly lost our reservations for and just found. Well when I went back inside I found everything was like it was when I originally entered. The old women were gone and the slice of cake one of them offered had never been cut. The name "Anna" was still on the top so I guess it really was a nickname. That or the bakers messed up on the name, lol. I remember feeling like this place wasn't worth the money and planned on giving them a bad review on Google and yelp. I woke up before I could do that though.