Fake Princess

Date: 10/1/2019

By Ryleedreams

I don't remember how it started, but I was a princess in a small kingdom that had no sun but an almost ceiling like sky. It's hard to describe but like from the boom the city of Ember. Anyway although I was known as the princess, i wasn't really a princess. I don't remember it happening but in the dream I had a memory of an older woman telling me she could help me out of danger if I pretended to be her daughter and thatvwe were both royalty. It was strange but for some reason I agreed and she married the king of the kingdom we were now in. It hadn't been long since and I mostly spent my time in my room or by the beach area near the castle. I would sneak out to get there, however, which made the Queen assign a bodyguard to me (I assumed so I wouldn't give away our secret). He was a little older than me and was pretty good looking. His name was Jackson but I called him Jackie and despite me insisting he call me by my name, he called me princess. I still tried to sneak out but he kept catching me over again and soon could predict when I'd try to leave and where I'd go. Finally we made an agreement that I could go where I please (for the most part) as long as he accompanied me. I agreed and we started becoming friends. Although I tell he was trying to stay professional, I convinced him I'd rather have a friend than a bodyguard following me around. One night I overheard him and another guard talking outside my room, the other guard question Jackie about if he had feelings for me and said that he could get fired or worse for something like that. He said that a prince was coming over the next day to see me. It was then that I realized how deep I'd gotten into the role of a princess. I don't want to hurt Jakie so I decided to really run away. I climbed out my window and slowly climbed down the building, I didn't get too far before I realized I was stuck and couldn't climb down any more. I looked around and debated just jumping into the ocean below but I was high enough that I wasn't sure if it'd be safe. As I was about to jump, Jackie looked out the window, it took him a second and he called out my name, first yelling princess then my actual name. I could hear real panic in his voice and finally gave in, I couldn't jump while he's watching, he'd be held accountable. He sounded hysterical when he saw me and said he'd cone down to get me. I told him that he'd get stuck too if he went this far but he didn't listen. I tried to convince him to go back before he'd get stuck to and that I'd just jump into the water. Still sounding hysterical he explained how there could be rocks at the bottom and we were to high up. He stood just above the point of no return and examined that I'd have to jump and grab his hand. I, not being fazed my the situation, was perfectly fine with trying my luck with the water but seeing the look in his eyes as I glanced back at the ocean and back at him, I had a feeling he might jump if I did. I couldn't let him do that. I managed to grab his hand and he quickly pulled me up and back into my room. We're both out of breath and sitting on the floor when he started to get angry, but like a scared fear. He asked what I was doing and why I thought that was a good idea and told me how reckless it was. I didn't respond and just looked at the ground as I caught my breath. After realizing I wasn't going to respond his anger turned to comfort and he put his hand on my shoulder. He asked me not to do that again and said he wouldn't push me anymore on why I was out there. I nodded and he helped me to my feet. We stood for a second looking into each other's eyes, he still had my hand in his. I wanted to run and take him with me, leave this crap kingdom and find my way back home, but I wanted him to go with me. I didn't say anything but we eventually separated but he said he was going to stand guard from inside my room tonight, to make sure I didn't try to jump out the window again. I agreed but didn't have a choice anyway. The next day I woke up to see Jackie sleeping in the chair across the room. I went to grab clothes and ran in the bathroom hoping to get ready fast enough I could give him the slip. But when I came out of the bathroom and tried to sneak out he was standing at the door. I gave him a frown and told him he should get more sleep, he wasn't buying it though. We meet with the king and queen who introduced me to a prince that had arrived earlier that morning to meet me. I wasn't about to take this act as far as marrying some prince but I kept my cool for now. We spent the day together, with both our bodyguards following from behind, I couldn't help but glance back away Jackie every now and then sort of signaling how bored I was. I don't remember much of the conversations I had with the prince or even his name. Just that he talked about himself and gave me the occasional compliment. Finally it was evening and we were standing on a wide balcony looking out at the town. The prince kept looking back at me which started to make me uncomfortable. I decided I was done with this and said I was feeling tired and wanted to go to my room. As I turned though, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him, ignoring what I'd said he explained that he enjoyed my company and would like to meet again tomorrow. I reluctantly said sure and here thanked me. But as I turned away again he didn't loosen his grip on my arm. He asked if I wanted him to walk me to my room, I said that's nice but I can walk back myself. Laughing he wrapped his arm around mine and lead me into the hall, I told him this was unnecessary but he insisted. I rolled my eyes and said whatever. As we got to the door of my room he put his hand on my face like he was about to kiss me. I gave him a confused look and glanced over at Jackie hoping he would find an excuse for me to get out of this. He got the message and stepped forward saying we forgot to stop by the bakery to get some cookies like I said I wanted to. The prince brushed it off and told Jackie to get them himself and bring them back here. I stepped away and said I loved going to the bakery and started to walk away. Again he pulled me back and said we could go tomorrow. I had about had it with his bs and was going to strait up slap him if he grabbed my arm again. Before I did he gestured for the guards to leave and let us be alone. He turned back to kiss me but I put my hand up to block him. He looked confused and asked what was wrong. I explained how I barley knew him and he didn't know me and that's reason enough not to kiss. I said I'd hang out with him again tomorrow but I'm not going to date him. Again he laughed like it was a joke. This time he pulled me very close and put his hand around my waist. I'd finally had enough and kicked my knee up hitting his crotch and causing him to fall over in pain. I cursed him out and called him a creep before walking off towards where the guards were. They asked where the prince was and I said he wasn't feeling well so I was going to head to the bakery on my own. Just then the prince ran up but surprisingly wasn't angry. Still looking like he was in pain, he apologized, he said it wasn't his intention to make me uncomfortable and that he honestly didn't realize it. He's used to girls liking that behavior and hasn't met someone like me before. I also apologized for kicking him and his guard gave me a bad look but he said he probably deserved it for not being more aware. We parted and Jackie and I walked back to my room. After we were out of earshot, he said he was glad I was ok and complemented me on my ability to stand up for myself. As we walked down the hall someone jumped out in front of us. He had a gun and said "this is from the queen" before firing. I heard Jackie yell from behind me and glanced back right as everything went black. Then I woke up...