Date: 9/30/2019
By ladydmj
This dream was quite all over the place, but the first part I remember was ordering some clear plastic sheets for my employer and being told by a colleague that it was for his secret boxes of information, which were hidden within the walls of his house. The person I was working for was Putin, who was not very happy that I had got some of the boxes out of the wall to cover them with the plastic. I apologised and assured him that I would never look though the papers & he was fine. Then he became my old boss mr. P and I was mowing the grass in his house, which was totally overgrown.. in doing so, I cut though a copper pipe & then found some coins & money on the floor. I knew I had to give them the money, so did, but reluctantly. Feeling that they have so much money.. later I was at a theme park by myself. I remember being on one quite scary ride by myself. There was only one other man on the ride & I was a bit annoyed that he sat on the cart behind me, so I still had to go through this ride alone. Later the ride got really busy & I was annoyed that I had to wait so long. I was acting a bit selfishly and impatiently to get up the winding stairs back on to the ride & trying to push past people. When I got up to the top, I again had a few coins in my pocket that I had to pay for the ride with.. my coins were a mixture and I was kindly offered a 50 pence piece by a girl so that I could ride & gave her my mixed coins. Next I was at my old school and just finishing again. I saw some of my old school friends & in particular one that I had been really mean to.. I was trying to apologies to him & it almost felt like he had passed and I was trying to give him the message that I was sorry. Then I was drinking beers with some people and someone was bringing candles and some snacks though & then there were a load of ants starting to ingest the table and some huuuuge big ugly looking insects that were trying to get our food!! I had to fight them off with sticks & take away the food. There was one in particular which was a mustard & orange colour, like the size of a dog, which would not go away and kept trying to steal the food. I was pushing it with a stick and telling it NO. It seemed to be quite intelligent. Eventually they left, when we’d got rid of all the crumbs & food lying around. Then I was in a huge house & I remember a cleaner or maid going around collecting tips from everyone. I thought to myself, she was not nice to me & has done a really bad job so I don’t want to give her a tip, I’ll just hide. I went around the corner, but then thought, oh I have to give her something so I don’t look bad, so I again took coins out of my pocket and filtered out the higher value ones, to give her 2 smaller coins. I’d vibe then in such a way that she & others would not realise how much I’d given. Bit of a theme of coins and money and me being quite selfish and stingy!!