Date: 2/13/2019
By bluelacy89
I think I had two separate parts of the same dream. I’m not sure which order they go in so I’m just going to start. (The funny one is last) We were playing in my backyard with the Elises and we still had a trampoline. Instead of Renner we had Lucy I think and we were watching Harper at the time. I was with a friend but I can’t figure out who it was. So we decide to go up onto the porch because we are trying to get inside to seethe dogs but we aren’t supposed to. We take off our rain boots (which takes a long time) and go inside. I call Harper and suddenly my friend is gone. Harper comes to me and I pet her and then I tell her to go to her bed. I follow her to make sure she goes and I see that her bed is covered in a low crate so she can’t get in. My dad appears and says oh no she got out. I say sorry and then we get her back into her bed crate. That’s all I remember from that part. Then I am home alone with my friend (still don’t know who it is) and we decide to go to the pool. Then it skips to when we are coming back. There are these people working on the house next to mine. We open the garage and go inside but don’t close it. I realize I forgot something at he pool so I go back to get it and when I am coming home, one of the guys that’s working on the house says that I have to marry him because I left the garage door open. I think “oh no I knew that was a law why did I leave it open”. So then I say “if I win a game of uno then I get to go home” and he agrees. So then we play and I win and since i won everyone is scared of me so i won’t be bothered again. I go back inside and hang out with my friend. I make sure to close the garage door. The end.