Normality Leads to Adventure

Date: 11/3/2016

By Cohbria

I was walking around outside trying to get across town. I slid down a steep hill and an old acquaintance was at the bottom chilling. I started walking again and came to a restaurant by the water, I met up with my friend Dustin. He was getting ready to leave and I was getting food because I was starving. A female friend of his came up to us and he left. We sat in silence and when the food came she shooed them away. I met up with my family at a new boat attraction, we just wanted to get across the way. We stand in line and at first we didn't realize we had to pay and there was a chalkboard that the boat driver gets a dollar tip from everyone. My mom was mad she didn't care if Daniel Radcliffe was the driver, she commandeered the boat. Later on... I was at a house just relaxing. There were stuffed animals all around the house. Each stuffed animal gave you a different power. The couple of the house wanted us to take and object somewhere. I can't remember what animal I took. It was a war zone outside. The group split in three directions. The object ended up being a person and I was with her. There were enemies rounding the corner and we took cover. I think they were ants. Someone attacked there was fire everywhere. I could see pulse rifle bullets flying by and I decided to take the escort a different way and be sneaky. I turned invisible and we went through a side passage and we ended up falling in a hole. It ended mid fall.