I rode on a helicopter, weird musical instrument, weird af

Date: 8/26/2020

By evp722

I got on a helicopter with Nancy from Stranger Things. The flight was normal until for some reason we had to stop the flight and switch helicopters. So we landed the helicopter, which I then somehow held in my hands because it was so small? It shrunk somehow (which I didn’t even register in my head) so I was just holding a helicopter with one hand. I heard an announcer voice yell out which type of helicopter it was. Then we transferred to another helicopter that was smaller than the previous one was originally (before it shrunk). There was an old woman at the entrance who was writing out these cards with adjectives on them, and each of us were supposed to get one card. There were other passengers but I don’t remember who they were. Nancy took the cards and put them all in the back of the helicopter. But at some point I remember being lined up in a hallway at some point, and my middle school science teacher (JM) told us we each needed an adjective card. Then I ended up in a hotel with Nancy and we were debating whether or not to share a room. Also Summer was there at some point. We were getting a tour of the place which was spacious and I remember thinking the rooms in the hotel looked childish The beds in the rooms were really small and pink colored. But then the room sharing conundrum wasn’t an issue anymore because I realized there were tons of different rooms to use. I walked pass 3 doors to rooms, and each of the 3 doors had my name written on it, so I knew I could choose one. My aunt Candy was there, and she had a room, and it was super small with a low ceiling, the standard size of all rooms. But this wasn’t a concern to me in the dream. I talked to her at some point but cannot recall the conversation well. Well then I remembered I had a musical instrument that I knew how to play. At least I thought I knew how to play it. It was this weird “flute” but it was box shaped? It’s hard to describe. It had keys to press down on, each with a letter representing a note, and a hole to blow into like a flute. But again it was box shaped. I tried to play, but couldn’t make a good sound, and I thought “damnit I forgot how to play” I tried to look at sheet music with a piece from a famous composer, which I kinda knew how to read, but I didn’t remember how to translate it into playing the notes. I remember thinking I forgot to pack my underwear, and I was wondering if I should call my mom to bring me underwear 😂 Around this time, I realized my high school spanish teacher (Gaillego) was there at the hotel. Then I got weighed for some reason and found out Im 196 pounds which was healthy according to doctors. My friend (AK) was there and we were both shocked to see the number “196” appear on the screen above the scale. Then AK an I went to this big rock path leading up to a steep rock hill, which was all suspended thousands of feet in the air somehow? My friend really wanted to jump on the rocks and climb the steep rock hill, and I didn’t because I was terrified of falling. I saw a huge gap between some of the rocks, and the green trees far below and thought “nah”. She encouraged me to do it, and I protested. So she ran back and forth on the rock path by herself, but didn’t climb the tall, steep hill. Then I was playing minecraft, although it felt like I was really there in the game. Can’t remember what console I was playing on, as it didn’t feel like a console at all. But there were these sea cucumber animals climbing on plants beside a body of water. They were descendants of sea cucumbers, but were able to crawl and were terrestrial (I don’t think these exist irl) I got closer to them. One was brown and larger, so I determined that that was the adult. Another was smaller and green. I also remember catching one with a net like you can do in animal crossing.