Date: 2/15/2020
By desertdreamer
I was at my friends studio or whatever in Canada. I think the kidnappers left me because they mistook me as a guy. But they kidnapped this friend I had that was a streamer. And I deciphered some shit and posted about her on twitter and it started blowing UP. And Somehow it had the amenities of my house like even my clothes and kitchen so I stated getting dressed to leave. And Somehow it had the amenities of my house like even my clothes and kitchen so I stated getting dressed to leave. And this lady was there and she was making breakfast and mistook me for a guy also or maybe I was transformed idk. She was cooking and got me snacks and I was trying to play it cool so I thanked her and was going to cook for her but something happened and she figured out I either posted the exposure thing on the religious wingnut prison like school, or that I was a girl and therefore a “sinner”, So I stabbed her a bunch of times and tried to call the cops but it took forever. I tried a hotline, using Siri, and eventually just dialed 911. I was so scared bc I was like in Canada technically but knew I was in my house and the police station for us was nearby and I didn’t know Canada’s 911 number But I did and then two dudes came in the front door. I could see them but they couldn’t see me as I was in my room and I guess used some kind of power to see what was happening in the other room. They were talking to the bitch is stabbed that came down the steps that lead to the loft part in my house, STAB WOUNDS AND ALL! So I got my stuff and knife ready quietly as I could and waited but I woke up