Scary European Zoo

Date: 3/28/2018

By royallauren7

I was in another country seemingly lost. I was in a sunny village with many happy people around. It was quaint and comfortable. I came to a steep downward hill on the road that fell down into a dark alley with large tall buildings on both sides. I was distracted and talking on the phone with someone as I was standing at the top of the hill. I fell on my ass and fell down the hill. I could not get back up the hill cause it was too steep and there was no where else to go but through the alleyway. At the end of the alley there was a door. I opened it and entered. On the other side was a huge orangutang with huge wide shining eyes and it was wearing lipgloss. She grabbed me roughly by the arm and stared at me as I continued walking. After I while I shook her off of me and she let go and left. I continued walking as bats landed on me and clung to me, bugs crawled up my legs and body, and snakes fell down on me and crawled all on me. The further down I went the more terrifying and obscure the animals became. I became more afraid and less familiar with what they were. At the end there was a huge metal rusted door with old red chipped paint on it. It was locked and I could not open it.