Deceived By My Mind

Date: 6/19/2021

By Bito

I'm at a place I can only recognize from other dreams. It's a combination of real locations go to regularly. I was standing in a field surrounded by a number of people. We were all in uniform. It seemed like we were at a funeral/memorial. I look into the distance as more people approach. I start thinking of people who also passed and how much I miss them. Suddenly I get the urge to do a reality check but I was also compelled to stand still. I didn't want to make any movements cuz I thought it would be disrespectful. Stood there like a soldier but my mind wondered. As I was still looking onto the people approaching the ceremony I thought this can't be a dream. Fabricated memories of what I did earlier came to mind, such as waking up, driving, etc. Although I don't exactly remember how I got to where I was, I was convinced I wasn't dreaming. So definitely didn't bother doing a reality check. Then I remember the faces of the attending guests. They were all pale and I would lock eyes with each one of them and they would stare me down. I got uncomfortable so I walked away. Then I noticed everything got a lot less vivid. It started raining but I couldn't feel the drops. When I looked into the distance, it was blurry and hard to see. Then i thought I was dreaming again. As soon as the idea clicked I started to wake up.