Date: 3/25/2022
By lauriemae
We had gone out and saw a yard sale to stop at. The grill was overly friendly and had just junk in her house for sale. At some point some others came by, so we all sat on the couch and chatted. The girl got real snuggly with my boyfriend then I noticed she was giving him a hand job. I freaked out and told him to take me to his place to get my stuff and it was over. Then he left me there. I had to take my cat (no idea why she was with us here) and my stuff and walk back to his place. I tiered to get a rife from others there but nobody could give me a ride. I lost my cat once or twice along the way. But she kept finding her way back to me. I get back to his place and pack up my stuff. I had a good friend that lived in the same apartments, so I gave him gas money to take me home with my stuff.