Date: 5/22/2018
By desertdreamer
My phone got cracked worse and then I tripped and my teeth were all loose And work, college, and the mall we’re all in one big house building that was bigger on the inside Man I just wanted some fuckin ice cream And there was even an outside inside the mall part of the building It was a mall I’ve seen in my dreams before I went back to class and this muscular dude started shit with me So I threatened him I told him if he touched me I would beat the shit out of him Loose teeth and all And I just tried my best to keep all my teeth in but most of the ones on the left ended up falling out but it didn’t hurt or anything And so later me and the guy were kinda cool bc I jumped on his back and made him carry me in the hallway and I said a joke He was actually pretty hot But then after class was over I went past this room and there was a little old lady in there that I talked to to with a little dog But then she ended up grabbing me when I tried to leave then held me captive for AGES. There was a group o irks helping her too SHE HAD LIKE ELASTIC ARMS OR SOMETHING so what felt like months but was actually days later of me trying to constantly escape, I woke up one day on the bed and nobody else in the room By the time I had woken up that day all the loose teeth were fuckin out and she was too far to grab me She was on the computer or something And so I snuck out quietly then fuckin out as fast as I COULD It was really hard to find the exit bc it was sooo complex and there were similar looking areas but this time I took the opposite way and I fucking escaped And the old lady kept trying to touch me with her feet it was horrible I felt so violated lol I think they had college orientation before I got trapped Or after Prolly after Bc when I walked out I saw one of my Highschool friends from out here there and a really hot guy And so I talked to them for a bit and tried to blend in Then I left And leave I escape the building and there’s like a riot or protest or something gone outside but just a lot of people around our age in the streets so no cars And when I’m in the halls I still had my phone luckily so I was textin my mom where I was And I called 911 I tried teleporting out of the room I was trapped in at one point but I didn’t try hard enough and was brought back It’s bc using powers in my dreams takes a physical toll on me lol, shits exhausting But so, I’m talking to people there and they’re cool af And then 911 finally comes And when 911 walks up with a HUGE stretcher a minute or two later my mom gets there And I’m just chilling on the stretcher And then I started talking to my mom and she sat down with me on it And then everything was fine But the funniest thing about it all Was that i was convinced that of i kept all my teeth in my mouth they could just reattach them Which is why I never swallowed or spit out a single tooth When I finally opened my eyes irl I was surprised that I still had teeth If I ever see the building from my dream I won’t go inside it under any circumstances 😂