Kate’s boyfriend and all my friends saw me naked, my boyfriend understood

Date: 5/16/2020

By levinelover

I was in a basement changing while my friends were upstairs. For some reason I got into a huge rush to come upstairs so I grabbed my soft dark gray thin blanket to cover me and ran upstairs. I went up to the living room where everyone was sitting on couches in a somewhat semicircle around the room. I wasn’t cover up properly my boobs and even some of my vagina was out, but I was casual and accepting of it. I was explaining something to all my friends looking around making eye contact with them all. Jarod from Pariza’s group was there. When I looked at Kate’s boyfriend I did it genuinely, but looked away quicker than I did everyone else. During my explaining I looked down and adjusted my blanket so I was covered. Nobody said anything and seemed to be understanding. Then I was in my room (it wasn’t my room in real life it was a room I’ve never seen before) I was on my bed. I had one of those new medium sized round stuffed toys, another one the same style as the one mari stole for me. Half of it was stringy and a little soft and the other half wasn’t stringy but still a little soft. It was a tye dye medium slightly light shade purple and blue. I felt it trying to decide how soft it was. It wasn’t that soft, but better than my original one. I felt my original one and it felt kinda awkward to the touch like velvet almost. I thought maybe the new one was more cuddly, but I didn’t think I’d like cuddling with the not stringy half. Then I was outside alone with Kate (clothed lol). I was on a ladder in the side of a building that looked brick red, I think it was a highschool. I was on the very top of the ladder almost reaching the roof but not quite. I held onto the metal part that’s for rainwater. While me and Kate talked, I asked her if she was upset I was naked in front of her boyfriend. She said no because me and her talked ahead of time and I explained to her I’m not attracted to her boyfriend or interested in him in the least so she knew I wasn’t doing it on purpose. I told her I was really happy she understood, and told her how I made minimal eye contact with him while naked to be respectful. I told her I hate when anybodyyy sees me naked and I didn’t want it, and again that I was grateful she understood. Kate said she was gonna head to the extracurricular club at school we both joined and to meet her there. After less than a minute of her leaving the very tall ladder with me on the top still tilted and started falling. It fell straight into a metal fence so I grabbed onto the fence! If I was any lower on the ladder I wouldn’t have been able to reach it and save myself. I really hoped Kaye was still there so I looked down the side of the building and saw her! I screamed to her to look at what happened. She came back over to the fence, and we talked about it a bit before she walked along the side of the school to get to the club again. We were next to the corner of the school so there were too walls, she was walking along one wall and my boyfriend was across the other. I looked at the two of them wondering whether to follow Kate to the school club or walk up to my boyfriend. I went to my boyfriend. We met halfway and I told him how much I appreciated that he understood everyone seeing me naked. He said he understood. I felt so much passion and connection to him in that moment, I embraced it and gave him a passionate closed lips kiss on his mouth. After I pulled away and looked at him with the wild passion in my eyes. He looked at me confused and innocent. He was a sweet inexperienced nerdy boy, and didn’t understand my emotions fully. He knew I was feeling love for him because of how he understood, but he’d never seen such wild passion before. I continued to give him a couple more slightly aggressive passionate close mouth kisses. Until I finally pulled back and looked him in the eyes sweetly. I asked him where he was going now. He told me where he was going, and I told him I was gonna go catch up to Kate. After I left him I started to crave making out with him. Then I remembered I had a cold sore, I didn’t think he’d care but I made a mental note to tell him I have a cold sore later. I ran up the side of the school but Kate was already inside, I walked inside and started to run down the hallways. I had absolutely no clue where the club was or where Kate was so I just ran in as many hallways as I could to find her. I ran past a couple people in a couple of hallways at the doorways, I didn’t get in anyone’s way. I ran in a wide hallway with a few people maybe a little less than 10 and I saw the female principle so I instantly walked at a normal pace. I walked past her and she didn’t suspect anything. I ran past the open principles office and the male principle saw me. He was wearing a costume. He asked why I was running. I explained to him that I was lost and looking for my friend Kate so we can go to our club meeting, I told him I wouldn’t run anymore that I’d just speedwalk.