Date: 11/29/2016
By comatose-dreamer
my grandma and I were eating lunch on some rocks in the middle of a courtyard thingy that was surrounded by apartments. A crow with gray colored feathers walked towards us, probably wanting some food scraps. I gave it some of my sandwich and it gobbled the whole thing up in seconds. I started talking to it (I forgot what I said) and the bird started full on talking, but it was interrupted by ppl running away and hiding from something. I turn to my right and I see a tornado tearing up the apartment right next to us. I tell the crow I'll carry it so it won't be sucked up by the tornado and we start running to our basement. Our basement was shared with another family, but they were scrambling to find their 2nd daughter. I ran to each room to find her and the family started crying, thinking that their daughter probably died. A few seconds later, I hear some wailing coming from one of the rooms. I run to that room. I woke up.