Date: 12/5/2018
By Katie_Rose
So in my dream I planned to hook up with this girl who I've been talking to for a while, she's really fucking cute and butch and is just all around my dream girl. She showed up and for some reason we were at my old house, which burned down two months ago. It was almost empty, kind of like it was after the fire. My best friend was there for some reason, and it was awkward because apparently they had talked once but it didn't go anywhere. The girl kept trying to make a move on me but my friend wouldn't take the hint and leave. Eventually we argued a little bit and she and I decided we would go somewhere else. We went to a hotel and were finally settling in and getting close, when we heard screaming downstairs. We looked out our window and saw all the kids from the preschool I work at in the pool. I was so excited that they were there that I insisted we go down and swim. After a while of hanging out with her and the kids, I looked down and saw one of the babies from my room holding onto me and crying. I picked her up because she couldn't swim and I started swimming around and playing with her. The girl thought it was so cute and kept smiling. Afterwards she told me that was simultaneously hot, and also the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. Then we went back to our room and did what we came to do. It was a really nice dream.