Trying to call 911

Date: 9/22/2018

By olibizzle93

It was a long dream and there's a lot I'm missing but the first part was traveling to vegas. I don't really remember how we got there but it was this small little carnival looking place that that I was so convinced was vegas. Well we couldn't decide where to go first so there was this cute little diner that was all metal so we go there and talk to the locals. This part is blurry but then we leave and we do some stuff I can't remember but then we come to the diner and I try and walk through the doors and it's all dark and dirty and this zombie creature gets right in my face so I close the door and I just leave. The 2nd part of the dream I was looking out my window in my room. My room was different then it is now. Maybe it was back to this room being coppers room I don't really remember. So I see something in the tree outside my window. It doesn't look very big but it's swinging through the tree and it jumps and lands in front of our steps and it's a huge gorilla. But I don't realize what it is at first it's like my eyes won't adjust. But soon I see it's got something on its face and I realize it's like a baby car seat or some type plastic thing stuck on its head. I watch it cross the street over to the neighbors house and it's massive like as big as their garage. So i run and call all the cats in. And there's cats trying to get outside and I'm pulling them back in. And I'm yelling for coop to lock the back door but he lets the dogs out instead so I'm like freaking out trying to get all the animals inside. When I finally do that I can't figure out if I should call 911 or the non emergency line and I ask my parents what I should do and they're like idk so I decide 911 but I can't find my phone. So I grab my brothers and he's like "it's right here this is the app" and some of the numbers are blank and they keep moving around and I just tell him to type the numbers in for me. And he does and it doesn't connect. So i find my phone and i open it and it says my phone part is a new app that is a game. And I'm so confused because who the hell would do that. And all the numbers have pictures and they're talking. So eventually I just go find the house phone and successfully call for help but it's been like an hour. So the lady on the other end says "now listen this is the 3rd time you've called in 3 weeks" (I had a previous dream where I had to call 911, guess they keep track in my head) and I'm trying to explain what I saw but my mouth keeps filling with gum. So I have to pull it out and talk and she finally goes "well no one else has called about the gorilla but we will send a unit to check it out"