Digital art, Two young mothers at an outdoor public pool strike up a conversation with a man who claims to be a modeling scout, leading to a private photo session that results in unexpected connections being made.

Public Pool

Date: 9/23/2023

By JohnShel91

I had a dream I was visiting an outdoor public pool, where I came across two young mothers watching their infant children splash about in the wading pool. One was blonde and wearing a black two-piece swimsuit, while the other was Hispanic, had dark hair, and was wearing a metallic silver one-piece swimsuit. I struck up a conversation with the two mothers. The blonde introduced herself as Dolores, and introduced the Hispanic as Christine. As an excuse to get them alone for sex, I lied to the two young mothers that I was a modelling scout, and that I thought they had potential. So I invited them to a private area around the back of the pool for a private photographing session. First, I chose Christine while Dolores watched their children. At first, I had her pose in her swimsuit to gain her trust. Then, while looking through the photographs, I told her they were lacking something. I suggested she go explicit. At first, I thought Christine was offended and about to storm off. However, as she passed a fan palm plant, she started to pull down her swimsuit and hide behind the plant. At first, all I could see was her wiggling, but then I watched as her foot kicked the swimsuit off. When she came out again, she was covering herself with two fan palms. At first, she looked nonchalant about it, but then, as she started to do a little fan dance, she broke out into a big grin. I took some more photos of Christine, doing my best to capture her naked body. Once these were done, Christine came over to me, using the fan palms to cover herself as we looked through the photos. Finally, I could no longer contain myself. I stood up, stripped naked, and knocked the fan palms out of Christine's hands. At first, we just stood a foot apart, looking over each other's body, then we started kissing and proceeded to have sex. Once we were done, Christine put her swimsuit back, and went back to the public area so Dolores could come over. By now, Christine had figured out I wasn't really a modelling scout, and therefore told Dolores. However, having enjoyed the sex, Christine encouraged Dolores to go through with it. Once Dolores and I were done, she rejoined her friend and I left the pool. As I passed Dolores and Christine, I smiled at them and they smiled back.

AI generated interpretation This dream appears to contain elements of objectification, manipulation, and an unhealthy power dynamic. The setting of the dream, an outdoor public pool, symbolizes a space of leisure and relaxation. However, the dream takes a negative turn with the introduction of the two young mothers and their infants. The dreamer's interaction with the two young mothers reflects a desire for sexual encounters and using deceptive tactics to achieve them. The dreamer adopts a false identity as a modeling scout and uses this as a means to gain the trust of the women. This manipulation highlights a potential lack of respect for boundaries and a self-serving motive. The dream then focuses on the dreamer's interactions with the women individually. The explicit nature of the dream denotes a strong sexual desire and fantasy. The dreamer encourages Christine to engage in explicit behavior, and though she initially appears hesitant and offended, she eventually succumbs to the request. This progression may represent the dreamer's satisfaction in exerting control and dominance over another person. The dreamer's actions in the dream can be seen as objectifying both women, reducing them to mere sexual objects to fulfill their desires. The dreamer's decision to photograph and engage in sexual activities with them reflects a lack of emotional connection and genuine concern for their well-being. It is important to note that dreams often depict subconscious desires, thoughts, and fears. However, it is essential to distinguish the ethically inappropriate behavior displayed within dreams from what's acceptable in reality. This dream suggests the need for reflection on personal boundaries, empathy towards others, and the importance of consensual interactions.