
Date: 11/7/2018

By WolfGirl

I was at my grandparents house when they told me and mum that my older sister esme was missing. In this reality I was a shapeshifter so I ran down their garden and transformed to a wolf to track her. I ended up in the maintenance ally down the side of granny and grandad's garden, looking into their neighbours garden. My boyfriend showed up to help track her and we found a hole in our neighbours fence so we went in and looked for her. We went to the shed first and found some neglected kittens in a box so I said we should take them with us when we leave. the garden was very neat but everything was dead so it looked trashy. there was a single gazebo with no walls and a Matt down under it in the garden so I said to let the kitten out for a little while, for their health. The neighbour wasn't in so we sat under the gazebo with the kittens and suddenly my mum turned up with dominos pizza and said my sister has been found so we played with kittens and ate until the neighbour got home. He wasn't friendly and I was worried he'd be angry we were there so when he got home I told mum and my boyfriend to go with the pizza and kittens while I talk to him. So they did. I apologised for bein there while they left and explained why we were there but he wasnt angry, he seened very relaxed that I was there. (i figured it was because he live alone in this huge house - he was about 40 years old) so I chatted to him for a few minutes when he offered me a drink and I said yes, thank you. He went inside to get the drink and then came out and I took a few sips before standing and saying I should probably get going. But when I stand I start falling over and I realise he drugged me. I try getting away through the house because it was quicker than going down the huge garden. He sauntered after me as I fall about trying to escape and I eventually pass out in his house. When I wake up we are in a car going down the motorway. I start screaming and bangijg on the window at other cars, they all see me but no one stops or tries to help. I was tied to the seat and couldn't get free. we drive until one car swerved in front of ours and he's forced to stop. He tries to get me out of the car before anyone can get to us but I struggle and was winning (I'm relatively strong in real life) So he drugs me again, juat pores a vile of stuff straight in my mouth and holds it and my nose closed until i gulp for air and swollow it. I don't remember this part of the dream but I know I was kept as a general and sex slave for over a month. I lose half my body weight while I'm there but finally escape. ~ Time jump to about a month after I get home ~ I'm back in college (I left college last year in reality) and I'm with a group of people that I don't recognise but know are my friends and we are out on a day trip. We happen to stop at petrol station and i start getting PTSD from my abduction and start panicking. Everyone else is in the station buying food. I stumble out of the car and start running until I find a diet path on the side of the motor way and head down it. I run for a while before I stop and realise I'm lost. Suddenly my dad turns up and I remember he was leading the trip. He takes me back to the car and shouts at everyone about how they shouldn't have stopped here and should have known and shouldn't have left me alone. I remember trembling in the car seat, hugging myself and a feeling of pure terror in my chest.