Digital art 4k scene from a movie: A group of girls with half-shaved heads and dyed hair line up in a run-down house, eagerly awaiting a mysterious figure to fix their hair, only to be interrupted by the sudden intrusion of police investigating gruesome murders.


Date: 4/3/2018

By Pandakitties

I was in a very run down old Victoria. House. There were graffiti all over the walls, garbage, needles and bed frame carcasses laying all over. There were a lot of people there but they were mostly girls, covered in grime and doing drugs. One of the girls really wanted a half-shaved head hairstyle and found an electric buzzer and buzzed off around her crown; then asked me to fix it for her. While I started that, another girl wanted me to dye her hair, so I went and did that. Soon a whole line up of girls were coming up to me to fix/do their hair. But every project I started I would never finish I would just jump to the next. This made the girls at the beginning really upset, so I would jump back, which made the girls at the end upset. It was a vicious cycle of me trying to do these drug addiction hair when police barged into the house. They tackled us handcuffing us and yelling at us to be quiet there have been murders here and we were all suspects. None of us knew anything about dead people, so obviously people started freaking out. That’s when the police find videos of the murders and find these people had committed like super gruesome suicides and someone had video taped them from before to when the police arrived. I had to go through video evidence of each one to try and ID these people,from the point of doing it to the point of being found so like one guy was starting to decay, bugs crawling all over his body in fast forward. I watched dozens of people drown themselves, hang themselves, drink bleach, cut off limbs, beheading, slicing open their appendages or into torsos. When it was over, I looked away from the videos to find myself in a dark room sitting at a table and on the table was a really shiny brand new looking hacksaw. I took the saw and used it on my arms, oddly enough none of the wounds bleed just opened up. And then I laid my head on the table and woke up.