Stranger danger

Date: 8/10/2023

By lauriemae

I was with someone (can't remember who) and we were walking to my car. We saw this gangster looking guy driving alow in an old El camino type car with the top down. The wheels were those kind that look bent in. So I made a comment that the tires were ugly. He heard me and went by us really slow, them he went around the block so that when we got to my car, he was coming by. My car had no top like his. I hopped into the driver's back seat because the Mexican gangster guy made me nervous. After I got in the car, the stranger jumped into my car as we were starting to pull away. I started screaming and yelling at him to get out. He finally said he would if we pulled over. We pulled over to let him out. He kind of took his time, but did finally get out. I know there was a but more to the dream, line I found standing water in my car and someone was trying to wash it and water was getting inside. But that's all I can remember.