Joining Tree Spirits

Date: 1/25/2019

By JamieKingofDreams

The scene is very bright, open sunny, I’m inside my childhood home, a one story, three bedroom with white walls and tile. The entire dream takes place inside. Though the house seems to be bigger and more intricate than when in the waking world even though the blueprint of the dream and the blueprint in real life are the same. So there are trees, and sprouting plants growing through the tile in the house. The sprouting plant is more like a mini tree in that it is skinny and thin but the bark is hard and developed (as opposed to the green, easy to snap young plants we are used to). So something happens and this young boy pops up next to the young tree. The boy definitely looks a little other worldly. Extra big eyes that are a blueish periwinkle color. A full head of brunette whispy hair and small ears on the top of his head. He giggles a bit like Mickey Mouse a bit like Stitch. There’s a bigger oak tree growing through the house. A spirit also pops up next to this one. Similar to the boy but taller and aged like an old man. And he’s wearing explorer gear. The dream is about the reconciliation about how they can be together and grow together. Because something about balance and teaching the young generation. And there was a mutual want for that relationship to flourish from both the young spirit and the old spirit. There was some force not wanting that and I was the mediator who had to make the spirit’s case for them to the force. (Might I add that this was nothing ceremonial or dressed up, I was literally like rolling my eyes and seemingly talking to air and did not want to be the mediator). In the end it all worked out and the day kept being bright and sunny. The spirits were happy then went back into their trees and the young and old tree began to grow and intertwine with each other.