
Date: 9/15/2018

By SpinierFormula4

I’ve had this dream before multiple times. It starts with me following the old lady from the Insidious series (I’ve never seen it). She leads me to a weird shimmering hole, it almost looks like a lake but you can tell that it’s a portal because it’s standing up. We both step into it and I still don’t know why I’m following her. The “world” on the other side of the portal is all green and there is a giant complex castle in the distance. The entire world is in a cave, even the castle, and we were kind of in a viewing hallway for the castle, so we could see it and were high up. When we got to the world, I fell onto my hands and knees, I wasn’t tripped or anything I just fell. I tried to get up but I couldn’t and I felt super weird. I looked at my body and I was still just me. When I lifted my hand to inspect it I saw in the dust on the bottom of the cave, instead of handprints, there were little pig tracks where I was stepping. Obviously alarmed, I let out a yelp, but when I came out it was a pig squeal. I said, “What did you do to me?!” But it just came out as angry oinking. She said, “Sorry honey, I don’t speak pig.” She sounded genuine and actually sweet. “But don’t worry! You look so much cuter now.” She bent down to pet me and I back up into a wall, catching a glimpse at my body which was now full a pig. I started screaming and yelling and going crazy, which was probably super horrible because pigs are loud. The lady was like, “Hey, shhhh. HEY!” But I kept going. Then she said, “Fine, I wanted to help you be comfortable with your existence now but noooooo.” She pulled a rope out of her pocket and tied it into a loop just big enough for my pig neck. She walked over to me and got it on, because for some reason I couldn’t move. When I regained motor function I was pulling as hard as I could against her rope, it was a tug of war over myself. I guess I was loosing because she started stepping backward, thinking she was going further down the hallway, when in actuality she was stepping toward a giant floor to ceiling opening in the cave wall that led to a 90 foot drop (it was used like a window). I realized she was heading for death and then I realized I was attached to her. I couldn’t tell her no so I just pulled harder and started squealing again. She did one final extra hard pull and fell right out of the window. My pig self got dragged across the dusty floor and straight out the window into open air, where I fell until I was jolted awake.