Date: 6/8/2018
By JaneWest
It was a cold night under a full moon when I was at a house that seemed to belong to my aunt although in real life did not look like it. The room I was in was the living room, a warm glow of yellow light streaming around as I sat on the couch thinking. The flat screen TV perched on a black coffee table in front of me was turned off, surrounded by snowy white cabinets.My phone rang, the smooth wind chime sound echoing in the vast room. I looked at my phone, seeing a single message invitation to some sort of event and an after party. I went to the intro party to a house similar but bigger to the one I was in, driving in a sleek black car. As I get off, Im dressed already with some lipstick and hoops. I enter the house, warm light flooding outside into the dark night. I look around and grab a cup of wine.I sit on the couch, thinking about uKnowWho and wishing just maybe it had gone another way, knowing he didnt give a flying fuck. I look up staring into the crowd thats drinking and mingling. A guy comes up to me. He claims to know about some chemistry that I did a year ago and claims to know a way to fix it. He says Ill need to retreive something from the stage during the event though to fix it. I nod and add him to my contacts. I grab another cup of wine, thinking more and more till all I have on my mind is regret, anger and sadness. I look up and see him with a girl. He is dressed in a nice tux with his contacts on while the giirl next to him has strait dirty blonde hair, pale skin, a heart shaped face with plump lips covered with a matte fusion color. She has her glasses on, making her pretty face and lashes stand out. Her makeup seemed flawless. She had a long, silky, emerald green dress on going down to her ankles with a cut up to her thigh on her left side. she had high heels on, her look being stunning. They were arm in arm, just like I did when we practiced walking in as chambalanes. I chugged the glass and got another. I saw a baby near on a stroller left alone. I picked him up and looked at its cute little nose, pointing up. Its skin was pale but not translucent. It had fuzzy hair, not much, but a chesnut color. A rocked the baby and put it against me, carrying it, chugging my drink and putting it down. I decided it was time to go. I went to the car putting the baby in the backseat and driving to the stage. The stage is bigger than the one at century, and towered probably with a ceiling above 20 feet. I carried the baby, rushing to the stage to a white locked cabinet near the stage where I did my event. Tonight was a full moon so I knew I had only tonight. I let the baby crawl a little as I retrieved the petri dish inside the snowy white cabinet with the green pearly liquid inside. I hear music coming from the stage. The event started. uKnowWho sang. With the girl. Both playing their acoustic guitars. The room spun. I ran to the car with the baby the man meeting me there. I handed him the petri dish and he added some things and made the green pearly liquid a fusion pink. "Drink this." he said, pouring some into a small vial and the rest in a seperate larger vial. I took it ad drank it. "Thank you. Call me later, when you need a favor or any other reason." I said, looking at his brown eyes. I never remembered his face though.