
Date: 7/14/2021

By Bito

I was on campus. Don't remember what I was up to in the beginning but friend showed up and told me my Spotify playlist got deleted. Random. He also mentioned Drake release a diss track... On me! Drake was also gonna perform on campus. I didn't react. I was confused. Everyone was making their way to the show. I joined the crowd. I didn't care that I was going to a live performance. I was more curious to hear what Drake would say about me on his diss track. I remember thinking wtf does he know. I was beginning to stress. As I walked, this beautiful young girl showed up. She was pacing right beside me. She was bright like a shining light bright. I didn't pay her much mind as I continued to follow the group but she persistently got closer and closer to my side. She then grab my hand and led me away from the crowd. She spoke to me like she knew who I was. Like we were close. She knew where I was going and she wanted to come along. I preferred if no one I knew was there but we made are way there together. Slowly. She was talking a lot but I couldn't focus. It was like she was trying to distract me. We come upon a huge vending machine. She stands there randomly pressing buttons and kicking the thing. I tell her I'll get what she want for her and I take out a bill. The machine only accepts coins. I take my wallet out again and have a concerning amount of cash, not a single coin. I grab a $5 bill and quickly put the rest away. I know there's a coin machine somewhere near. I go off to find it while my friend fiddles with the vendor. She notices I leave and urges me back. She tells me that the machine can take bills, transfer it to coins, then you use the coins to but its items. Wack. We finally get to Drake's event. Turns out it's a rather small venue. Very crowded tho. I saw only one other person I knew. Drake starts performing his dis track. Man kept staring at me while he was dissing me. Goodness, the unbelievable amount of animosity in that room! Everyone just happened to know all the words and rapped along with good'ol Drake. I didn't like it. Felt horrible being there. I tried to leave but it was too crowded. And I noticed the young lady left my side as well. I did a 360 and the room instantly opened up. The entire crowd, other than a dozen people, cleared out from the floor and were all sitting on the chairs off to the side. There was pure silence. I didn't know what to do I just sat where I stood. Tried to call my friend but I realized I didn't have their info.