Digital art, When they arrive at a crowded hair salon to get their hair dyed, accompanied by their collie, the protagonist and their mother engage in conversation, only to be disheartened by the news of their desired community college closing down.

Getting my hair dyed???

Date: 11/5/2017

By Hikertrash48

My mom and I were walking around a small part of the town we live in. My mom ask if I really wanted to dye my hair and I told her of course. She calls to make an appointment at a hair salon. When we get there it's packed with people and for whatever reason we had one of our collies with us. So we tell the receptionist that we had an appointment and he looks then tells us to go ahead and have a seat. So we're sitting in the waiting room and I remember having the feeling that I had to be somewhere else in a matter of minutes. While we're waiting our collie Kizz is wandering around greeting people and my mom and I are just talking about random things. All of a sudden my mom says "you know (insert community college here) is closing down?" I remember just being disappointed and thinking that I had really wanted attend there since its a bit cheaper than a big university.

AI generated interpretation In this dream, the central theme revolves around the desire to dye your hair. Hair can often represent our identity and how we present ourselves to the world. By wanting to change your hair color, it suggests a desire for change and perhaps a need to express yourself differently. The presence of your mother in the dream may symbolize the societal or familial expectations that influence your decision-making process. Her asking if you really wanted to dye your hair could indicate a sense of hesitation or questioning of your choices. This could suggest feelings of needing validation or approval from others before making personal changes or decisions. The hair salon being busy and crowded with people may represent a sense of pressure or overwhelming circumstances in your waking life. It could suggest that you feel the need to conform or fit in with the expectations or standards of others. Bringing your collie along and having it wander around in the salon could symbolize your confidence and comfort with being yourself, even in unfamiliar situations. This may signify a resilient and adaptable nature in your personality. The mention of the community college closing down could represent a sense of disappointment or missed opportunities. It may reflect a fear of limitations or hindered progress in achieving your goals or pursuing your education. This disappointment could be connected to the desire for a more affordable education option, indicating a focus on practicality and financial considerations. Overall, this dream suggests that you are grappling with the desire for change and self-expression, while also seeking validation from others. The dream may be highlighting the importance of finding a balance between your own desires and external expectations. It also emphasizes the importance of exploring and pursuing alternative paths when faced with setbacks or disappointments.