Runaway Crush

Date: 9/25/2017

By Charmmy

Before I start, I want to explain who Lance is because this dream is about him. Lance is a "friend" of mine I had since middle school who has countless times told me he had a crush on me. In middle school I liked him too but over the years he got really arrogant and really annoying and very creepy so I cut ties with him. Here and there he would find me on Facebook (I had to make to make 2 different Facebook accounts for different reasons then I just stoped using Facebook all together) and talk to me but I had a boyfriend, who is now my husband, but Lance was still always really creepy and annoying towards me. THIS IS WHERE THE DREAM STARTS: So I was at an anime convention with 2 friends and saw Lance looking at merchandise at a booth. I told my friends about him and they said we should go the other direction but it was too late since we made a lot of commotion and he turned and saw me. He walked to me with a big smile and said hi. I nervously said hi back not happy that he came up to me. To my displeasure, we had a conversation that was decent but turned into an awkward, creepy arguement. He told me he knew I had a crush on him so I should just be with him instead of my husband and that he has proof that I like him. I got really pissed off so I told him to fuck off and this is exactly why I always avoided him. I walked away but he would follow me trying to get me to change my mind but I was not having it and sprinted out into the ladies bathroom where he couldn't be with me. I texted my friends if he was at the entrance to the bathroom and they replied that he walked away. I came out very paranoid and met up with my friends. The rest of the convention was fun. I was cosplaying a grunt from Team Skull and was really happy with my costume. We went to a room that on the outside said it was playing a new episode of My Hero Academia and when I walked in, Lance was with a projector and playing a video of me telling him in high school that I really liked him in middle school and sometimes I wished we went out to see how our lives would have turned out and we somehow were in theater and it cut to us in a play where he was a rich guy and I was the poor servant he ended up falling in love with. I got so mad that I yelled "This was me from high school! You can't hold me accountable for the shit I say back then because I was a completely different person!! Where you the same when you were in high school??!!" and he looked sad and started walking towards me saying he just wants to talk but I wasn't having it and yelled "No! I'm done! I don't want to fucking talk!! Just leave me alone!" and I grabbed both of my friend's hands and ran out of the whole convention and went to a Wal-Mart that was right next door. My friend told me he was running behind me but he was far from me so I told them to get the car and drive it in front so I could just run in he car and we can just drive away. I ran into a teacher I had who realized they knew me and waned to conversate with me but I apologised and said "I'm so sorry but I have to go in being chased!" and ran to find somewhere to hide. I made my way to the coat section and wedged myself into a clothing rack and heard him walk by looking for me. I heard an announcement that the store was closing and texted my friends if they were at the front and they said they were almost here so I came out of the clothing rack and darted for the door where I saw my friends and we all drove off. There was more after we drove off but I don't remember what happened. 😕