Date: 12/9/2019
By pinkstar16121
There was this kid who seemed to be a son that my mom doesn't have in real life. I think he was adopted. He had blonde hair. My family is brunette. He was I wanna say like 14/15. He had to write some kind of speech or testimony or something and he was stressed about it. He also seemed to go into some sort of bout of depression. He wasn't feeling up to anything or eating. So, then, I'm in this kitchen that doesn't look like my house and there's this kid on the floor in front of an open fridge with containers of food on the floor and she stares open-mouthed, and I see she's looking at these two giant aluminum platters of pasta. They were to get the kid to eat. It worked and I wanted to eat some myself. One of them that I picked up in my hand was basically gone, and the other one was full/untouched. So, I wanted that one, but I think I was also thinking I should just take from the one that's already been eaten from. The next part I remember is I was in my house with my dad and my six-year-old sister and she was talking. Like in a lot of dreams I've had with her she seems older than she is. Her words were so articulate for her age. My dad then just stands up and looks shocked, and he goes "she sounds like (insert other sister's name)!" I then get emotional for some reason. I think it was because he remembered how my sister was at that age. He wasn't exactly the most present father in our childhoods. I was also excited and was like "omg really?!" I thought it was so cool that they could sound alike. Then, I was trying to get out some words, trying to talk over him, saying that I recently thought she sounded like my cousin at that age or actually a year or two older, which isn't surprising because as I said my sister seems older than she is (yet I still was shocked when I learned that she can use the bathroom all on her own now 😂) because I remember how my cousin was at that age. It was like ten years ago. Last part I remember is walking up my front sidewalk, holding a box of restaurant leftovers. It was pitch dark outside, except I could see these strobing or flashing red lights that looked like sparks coming from my next door neighbor's house. Although it provided light, it made my navigation vision worse.