Woke up crying again

Date: 11/30/2020

By SagittariusDreamer

I was in another body I guess. Or maybe, watching a tv show. The girl in it was thiccer than a bowl of oatmeal with honey in it. The show was a horror anime though, so of course there was blood and gore. She got sliced in the face, and then ended up in some dark place where the walls and ceiling and floor was a big mirror. Her reflection started talking, tearing her face skin apart down the middle to reveal a grey and eyelid-less interior, looking almost burnt. Then it ripped open more layers, eventually revealing its true form as a purple monster. I got interrupted from the show when my older brother walked past me with a pair of swords. One of them was more like a scythe while the other was a regular sword. Both unsheathed. He had gotten up the steps when I finally asked him about them. I don't remember any of what he said, but he kept twirling his swords like some sorta badass. At one point he almost dropped one of them by accident, which would have landed on me. He decided to play it safe and take them upstairs. I think one of them was supposed to go to his friend that was waiting outside the front door. I peeked outside but I don't know if I said anything before quickly closing it again. He tried to push the door open, warping the door above the handle. I screamed for my brother, anyone really, to come help me ward him off. I screamed at the top of my lungs for help, something I never do in my waking life, but not one came. I could hear my mom talking, people talking, but no one came to help me. I cut my losses and ran as he broke his way in, heading up the stairs to get help. Turns out, my family wasn't there. I crept up the third floor steps to my brother's room, hoping that maybe he just hadn't heard me from all the way up there. Upon making it up the steps, I saw... a white woman. Not any woman I've ever seen, beautiful as she might've been. She was laying in the bed, relaxing. I was filled with confusion at who she was, and I'm sure she was too. She offered for me to use her phone since I had forgotten mine on the couch. She then lent me her bluetooth earbud, and told me how to dial the number without the phone (which was just saying it out loud). I recited my mom's number accurate to real life, and she answered. She was at the store with her boyfriend. I explained everything in my panicked state and she told me to be quiet and stay hidden, that she'd be home soon. I told her okay. I don't think I ever hung up but I think I gave the earbud back to the lady. Suddenly, some other guy was in the room. Tall, somewhat chubby, darkskin black guy. He was nice to me and offered to help me out of the house, offering to go behind me as backup. I needed him to go first as lookout though, and he did so, heading down the stairs and making sure the halls were clear. I followed behind him, keeping my own tabs on our safety. Finally, we got to the front door. We were about to practically to a victory lap out of the house when suddenly, as we opened the door, the random killer was standing in the doorway, in our way to freedom. He swung the scythe sword down on my tall savior, head first. I couldn't bear to look. I ran, my brain rushing a mile a minute to think of an optimal escape. Going through the backdoor never worked before in any dream where I'm being chased, so instead I jumped out of the window full force. I ended up outside, though it looked different from real life. Instead of sidewalks, grass, a four way street and multiple neighbors, there was a dirt lot and empty junk cars, surrounded by trees. I took to running towards the trees, when my Mom and her boyfriend finally pulled up in their own car. I don't remember any of the conversation that ensued. I asked about the police and my mom's bf said something along the lines of "It's complicated for them". ___________________________________________ This last part of the dream is completely bullshit but whatever. So, we're in a store. Kinda starts off like, a target maybe? We're sitting in what I assume to be restaurant chairs with no restaurant around, as we're waiting. Waiting for someone. I don't know who. I lay my head back over the chairs in boredom, peering at magazines behind me. My sister walks by and talks but she puts her hands on my shoulders. It takes three firm commands for her to remove her hands from me, as I didn't feel comfortable being touched, especially after everything I just went through. I get up to walk around. The store is less like a Target and more like a Bath & Body Works now, set up like it should be in a Target. Though, the shelves were way too high, I could hardly see anything laying directly on the shelf. I saw an interesting little box and reached in, pulling out a bracelet with a crystal on it. I considered stealing it to give it to my best friend, but I saw all of the wire wrappings and ultimately refused. We looked at more soaps and stuff, me personally finding that the honey soap smelled pretty good. In the end, we headed outside to meet up with this person we'd been waiting on. Turns out, it was some scrawny lightskin/Rican kid maybe a year or two more or less around my age. Apparently he had "saved" me and everyone was thanking him and stuff. Even I was in on it, giving him a tight hug. I got emotional about it, which made me start crying in my dream and in real life. I woke up immediately to calm myself, though now I realize the utter bullshit that last scene proposed.