The Talent Show Executions

Date: 9/14/2019

By Machman

The dream starts at the aftermath of a talent show, something like X Factor perhaps. But it's outside and it's dusk I think. The contestants are all housed in separate "cages" fronted by gates like the ones used in old fashioned elevators. The whole structure looks like an elevator shaft or, rather, two standing side by side and there are a number of levels so it goes very high. The dream then moves to me on a walkway or a landing (like a landing outside an elevator in a high rise building) and I am looking in on the upper most contestants. The one to the left is supported by belts holding him over a sheer drop below him. I inform him he didn't win and something happens to make the belts release him and he falls to, I imagine, a gruesome death. The process is repeated and I move down the levels but that part of it is skimmed over or speeded up, I can't really recall. I then woke up.