Criminals, friends, and arena

Date: 2/23/2019

By Kantz_Dreams

I am in my house with my family. I am in the basement when I hear shots upstairs. I freak out, and me and my sister start to hide. This dream was weird, because the scene started to shift between three different subjects. The first one was an arena, the second one was hanging out with friends, and the third one was the house. So, I am brave and go up the stairs to the next level. I suddenly have a gun, and start to shoot at the trespassers. I kill a bunch on them, and run them and ru. Out of the house with my sister. We get in the car, and I start to drive to a police station (I don’t know how to drive irl). My sister gets nervous because she knows that I don’t know how to drive. I forget to hit the turn singnal, so she does it for me. Eventually, we get to the polic station, where we tell them what happened. They said they would take care of it, when suddenly, my sister and I are back in the house, with the criminals inside of it! I hear more shots, and I think someone may have died. Now, that’s not all of the dream. There was another one where I am at an arena with friends. There are a bunch of holograms of people playing the game with a ball. It involves some skateboarding skills. I don’t want to get into too much detail about the game, but we go back to my house, and I say goodbye to them. I barely remember another dream involving a human monster bleeding everywhere. Gross. Anyway, back to the criminal scene, I run to the back room where I hid from the intruders. I hide behind a table, and start to Snapchat some of my friends for help. The dream started to become crisper and crisper. It started to feel more like “real time” if you know what I mean. I tell my self (or I think to myself) “I’m dreaming”. I feel a burst of energy, and every nerve in my body tingles. The screen turns black, but i try to stay in the dream. I’m kneeling somewhere, and I can start to feel stimuli from the real world. I try to imagine myself back in the dream, just hanging on in that hypnopompic state of consciousness, when I wake up for good. Damn, guess I didn’t have a lucid dream.