Porch sex

Date: 4/26/2020

By zoeynoel

Dream started out on my old front porch before the hurricane? I was sitting there petting stray cats and allison drove up, which is weird bc she doesn’t have a car and she doesn’t drive. She sat on the porch with me to pet the cats and it’s started getting dark out. Somehow we started making out and she took my shorts off and started fingering me. She looked like she was really into it and I got confused bc this came out of nowhere so it was hard for me to cum. Someone started driving up so we stopped really quick and it turned out to be Banana. She had a bunch of random people in her car and they all looked fucked up. I asked her what she did and she said she was on shrooms. I was kinda surprised but I told her that everyone she brought couldn’t go inside bc it was late now and my mom was sleeping. She wasn’t getting it because she was tripping so I told her just to chill on the porch. My brother showed up and he said he was tripping too. I asked him how many shrooms he ate and he said two. I told him that wasn’t enough to trip (like I would even know lol)