Supposed to perform ritual to break curse on tribe but instead have to argue with ice cream truck about their parking

Date: 6/30/2023

By randybobandy

I was supposed to have a role in an urgent Native American ritual. My tribe needed to do it to heal multiple dying members, and to bring good fortune to us. We were all suffering from terrible misfortune like some kind of curse. The ritual was complicated and would break this curse. The day came. I parked at some museum/aquarium and had to walk a couple miles through a field and then an underground tunnel. This brought us to a small clearing in some woods. There was an exterior of a cabin there but inside there were no walls or floors or furniture, just the dirt. We needed space and a roof for the ritual. We began setting up. I was supposed to wear a mask that resembled a crow’s head but I could not find it and realized I must have forgotten it. Then I remembered we were all supposed to take a special kind of pill before the ritual started but I forgot to bring that as well. Everyone was extremely angry at me and I felt bad. But I kept giving the excuse that I did not know I was supposed to do these things. Before the ritual was to start I heard a car alarm going off in the distance and recognized it as mine. I started running back towards my car thinking someone may be stealing my car. I ran through the tunnel, through the field, and into the museum/aquarium. When I got through back to the front parking lot I saw my car and saw an ice cream truck parked next to it, parked over the line so it was only inches from my car. The side facing my car was the side where customers approach, so the customers were all touching my car, making the alarm go off. I angrily went up to the ice cream truck and said, “so you are why my car alarm keeps going off! Look at how you’re parked, you’re over the line! I literally had to come running cause I thought my car was being stolen!” They pretended to not know what I was talking about. I pressed on, “I heard it. I heard my car alarm, I recognized it, I know it was you.” They all looked at each other before making expressions admitting guilt. “Alright alright, we’ll park somewhere else,” they said. They pulled away and parked in the grass next to the museum.