Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Ina climbed up the blue triangular climbing mat with handles and vomited at the top, while the children played and splashed in the vomit pool, risking COVID-19 transmission.

ina spydde over alt i gymmsalen på førre skole.

Date: 10/2/2020

By monjanse

hun var dårlig under måltidet på ett av de mange langbordene pga sansynlig covid-19, og så gikk hun på doen og lukket ikke døren, og begynte å spy. jeg sa hun måtte lukke døren og sprang for å gjemme leg oppå komodehyllene fra å bli truffet av spya. da gikk hun helt berserk og klatret oppover på en blå trekantformet tjukkasmatte med klatrehåndtak på, og spydde helt oppe på denne. barna lekte og klatret opp på denne tjukkasen for å se og plaske med spydammen som hang der, og de sa æsj men så fortsatte de å kaste spydammen på hverrandre, og risikerte covid-19 smitte. ina spydde og kastet spya si på folk rundt seg.

AI generated interpretation Based on the content of the dream you provided, let's break it down into different elements for analysis: 1. **Ina spytting over alt i gymmsalen på førre skole (Ina spitting everywhere in the gym at your former school):** This part of the dream might represent feelings of chaos and disruption in your past or current environment. The act of spitting can symbolize aggression or rejection, which could reflect conflicts or negative emotions you are experiencing. 2. **Ina being sick during a meal due to likely Covid-19:** The fear of contracting or spreading Covid-19 has been a significant concern for many people, so this part of the dream may indicate general anxiety or fear related to health and hygiene. It could also reflect worries about being exposed to illness or a sense of vulnerability in your waking life. 3. **Ina not closing the door while vomiting:** This action could symbolize a lack of privacy or boundaries in your personal life. It may suggest feelings of exposure or vulnerability in how you handle difficult situations or emotions. 4. **Running to hide on top of a shelf to avoid being hit by vomit:** Seeking refuge or safety in a dream often signifies a desire to escape or avoid a challenging or uncomfortable situation in reality. It could indicate a need for protection or a tendency to withdraw when faced with stress or conflict. 5. **Ina climbing a blue triangular mat with climbing handles while vomiting:** This scene may symbolize a combination of stress and chaos. The act of climbing could represent a struggle to overcome obstacles or challenges, while vomiting can indicate purging or releasing pent-up emotions. 6. **Children playing and splashing with vomit, risking Covid-19 exposure:** The presence of children in the dream could represent innocence or vulnerability. Their actions of playing with vomit may indicate a lack of awareness or concern for consequences. This could reflect a sense of helplessness or powerlessness in a situation where others are disregarding potential risks. In summary, this dream appears to be laden with themes of chaos, vulnerability, fear of illness, lack of boundaries, and a desire for safety or escape. It may suggest that you are grappling with feelings of insecurity, discomfort, or powerlessness in your waking life. It could be valuable to explore these emotions further to better understand their underlying causes and consider ways to address them in a healthy and constructive manner.