Cute boy Turns into Ex

Date: 6/2/2018

By baburubān

I can barely remember this dream but here it goes: I’m at this weird jacuzzi place and there’s this cute asian guy with glasses that defends me from the girl. He leaves for a bit, comes back, and I kiss him and we make out. (Cliché? I think so) but then some other girl comes up and lays down beside us. We pull apart and I see that I was kissing Dante(ex) I knew that I was originally kissing the asian guy, but somehow it turned into him. Dante was cold and pretended nothing happened. But we both knew what happened... he was wearing some sort of army ish outfit with badges and pins, but the suit was a dark red instead of a navy blue. He was trying to call someone, I assume to pick him up. I felt pretty broken hearted and betrayed... I was somehow thinking that Dante was pretending or he disguised himself as the asian guy. I really don’t know, but I was really hurt.