Necklace in my Throat

Date: 9/9/2019

By Lostmysamity

This is a late share, but it’s the dream that prompted me to get this app. But I had just gone with a friend to see a phsycic (in real life) because she was $5 and it’s been on my bucket list for a while. But she seemed to pretty much be a scam, and told me I had a dark energy following me and she needed something of significance that would make me upset if I lost. I went through absolutely everything in my purse (charms, sketchbook, fortune cookie slips) I’m pretty sentimental so literally all these things carry memories. But she said none of them carried my energy, and was staring at my necklace. I kindly said no thank you, as I’ve had the necklace since I had Lymes Disease and out of the many moves it’s always seem to stuck with me. Anyways, a day or two later: the necklace broke. Which was odd because out of the many tugs and snags I was not expecting it to go out so pathetically. I just grazed the pendant and it just popped off and the entire chain curled up into my hand. That night my dream was pretty gnarly, I had somehow managed to swallow my necklace in my sleep. And the pendant was at the back of my tongue with the chain somehow going through my ear canals. I was deaf and fairly mute. I could talk but it was very raspy and I would risk swallowing the pendant. But I went to a good guy friend for help, and he was really worried, so he drove me to see friends of his that he though could help. Hours of driving later, we make it to the friends and he put me in the back room while he was talking to his friends. He was gone for a while, and when I peaked out they were sitting around and laughing. So I just got sick of waiting, and didn’t want to be made a fool of, so I reached to the back of my throat, grabbed my pendant and started to pull. There was a definite resistance, and I could feel the chain tickle it’s way through my ear canal before finally slithering its way out of my throat. At this point, my friend was back in the room with me and fairly horrified. “Are you okay?” I was so relieved when I could actually hear, I started to say “Yes, thank God” but I could hear my own voice fading through my sentence. And when he went to speak again, his words had no sound. I just pathetically curled up and started to cry at the fact I knew I would never hear again.