Date: 3/28/2018
By KaitlinTsoko
i had this super weird dream where i was on this adventure with off brand stranger things kids and we went to this tree house/old abandoned wood decayed building. so we walked in but there were these ramps and they went down like forever and there was a net on the right but that’s not important and i stayed at the top but some of my friends went deeper and this creepy high voice started telling us to get out or he would keep us so we were screaming and climbing out and then we just hung out outside to investigate wtf it was and i used my x-ray vision to look in and all i saw was dark blue disgusting carpet and i was like wtf idk but there’s definitely a monster spider in there and he has the weird creepy voice and then the building transformed into like a raising canes/pizza place and every time someone opened the door i would look in to see where the spider was but it was gone and then i looked in again and it was steve buscemi. steve buscemi was the fucking spider.