Date: 7/27/2017
By Snowpile
So I just had the weirdest dream ever. I lived in some weird alternate universe or something but still worked at my current job but everything was different. Leaving work was super weird as I had to go through this weird maze like way through corridors, elevators, escalators, halls, stairs, etc. And everyone was dressed super weird. Like I was in some space age or matrix like movie. Also dreamt that I was walking home and some girl invited me into her place for sex. Turns out she was a young pimp, I'm thinking like 23ish? She had even younger girls as prostitues in her shitty little bottom floor apartment in the style of New York. They seemed to be 18-21 like fresh out of high school or college drop outs or something. So I had a threesome with two girls. Then the next day suddenly and it seemed like someone from work was stalking me as i was going though that weird maze thing to get home and i shook them off at the elevator part. Then I get out and wander the night town and find that pimp house again and try to give those girls help and one young one was freaking out and decided to slit her wrist. I freak out and leave. More wandering. Find the pimp in the night by some buildings with 3 of her girls and 2 boys now and all of them were like children age except the pimp and I try to help them start something new like become a vaudeville group or something cuz apparently it was the 1800's apparently at that point and she had twin boys with her along with 3 young girls. What did I go through a time warp? But the pimp girl seemed the same age. That's it. Can't remember anymore. SUPER fucking weird.