
Date: 11/29/2023

By LaurenTheFierce

It’s been so long since I last had a dream vivid enough to be able to write about it… This one took place on some sort of autumn vacation trip to a resort of some kind. My dad, my sibling, and I all went together. What was so interesting about the trip wasn’t the bright autumn leaves though, it was who else that ended up being there. In this case it was my dad’s lady friend from our old church, and her two older children. One was my age, and the other was my sibling’s age. The one that was my age was a boy named Tristan. He passed away about a year ago irl via suicide. So, perhaps I’m still not over his death yet… Either way though, he was on this vacation, and I ended up getting to eat breakfast with him at this resort. The scenario was nothing new however, cause when we ran cross country and track together in high school, there were away meets that required hotel stays. What was new was actually getting to talk to him. My sibling present with us at the table. The setting being outside. As we peacefully talked about whatever, I ate some oatmeal with blueberries in it. This reminded me of the old days back in high school when I enjoyed this meal in particular as a staple, and when I had a HUGE crush on Tristan. One could say it reminded me too much though, cause it confused me and made me think we were back in high school… “Well, it was nice talking to you Lauren, but I gotta get back to my family” Tristan said after a while. “Nice talking to you too” I replied. “I’ll see you around. My family and I will be here for a few more days.” “Oh, I’m actually leaving today” he let me know. “Oh, then I’ll just see you back at school. We have one more semester together” I smiled, thinking we were still in high school. “Yeah, sure. I’ll see you then” Tristan responded, although reluctantly, as if not wanting to ruin the illusion I chose to believe. “Take care” I told him, watching him get up and leave. “You too” he waved goodbye, fading into the background of the dream. Speaking of the background, it was very orange from where I sat. So many autumn leave, an orange tree ripe with fruit, and even a tiger for some reason. Wild. However, as my sibling and I then got up, I turned around to see what Tristan would’ve saw. It was lush and green, with a white house peaking out of the foliage. My sibling and I approached the house. However, we then heard some rather inappropriate noises coming from behind the house. Let’s just say a couple was having some fun… So yeah, my sibling and I turned back around, and headed inside to meet with our dad. We laughed our asses off at the absurdity of what we had just witnessed.