Date: 9/1/2019
By ItsABlackCat
I had a dream starting in the library of my school. We were listening to one of those ‘guest speaker’ presentations which happened to be by the YouTuber TheOdd1sOut (an animator) who was talking to us about our future career and whatever. I remember wanting to fangirl but since I’m shy in school I didn’t. Then this one kid started referencing all of TheOdd1sOut’s videos very obviously and he was obviously flattered by the kid. Then we all went to the back to get icecream and the ice creams were in the shape of animals. I hung back and got mine last and gasped. Someone had peeled the wrapper and the hard chocolate outer-layer off of a teddy bear-shaped ice cream. All that was left was the slightly misshapen, slightly melted peanut butter ice cream inside, which was splattered all over the inside of the cooler as well. A teacher came over and I said ‘there’s been a murder!’ and for some reason she took it really seriously, investigating the scene and everything, so I decided to take it seriously as well. I had some of the ice cream on my thumb from when I opened the cooler to get my own ice cream, so I licked it off. She said, “this is a tragedy, we must find the killer before he strikes again” and I go all Sherlock on them say “well, look around. The blood” (ice cream is what I meant) “is splattered everywhere, but there’s nothing on the floor or wall, which means whoever did it should be splattered with the stuff.” The teacher nodded seriously and started calling in students and suspects. I paced, trying to figure out who the killer was and who would have motivation to do such a thing. I wanted to suspect the one show-off kid who kissed up to our guest speaker in the beginning but I didn’t have a reason other than I didn’t like him. The teacher came over and asked me “what else have you managed to figure out?” and somehow I turned all smart again and said “the first thing we need to do is find the rest of the body. It could melt any minute now, but if we can find it solid we can probably get a fingerprint off it. Of course, that’s only if the worst hasn’t happened... but I’m hoping this is just a killer and not a monster.” On my word everyone split up to search for the chocolate bear’s ‘skin’. I was in the girls bathroom, alone, searching when I heard “tee-her, you really think you can find my killer?” I turn around and see the chocolate bear’s skin, turned in my direction. I thought, “somebody’s controlling it, look for clues,” and I saw a string attached when I turned my head slightly because it glinted in the light. I followed the string with my eyes trying not to be obvious. I said “I know I can,” to buy time, and followed the string with my eyes and saw it went into the vents. I squinted my eyes and saw somebody up there. I heard the ‘bear’ say “you’ll be dead before you can speak a word,” and I tensed up, getting ready to fight the person in the vents and also checking behind me occasionally. Then the dream ended.