Date: 12/23/2017
By zombiegirl
starts at my old childhood house in the front yard with my mom and step mom sitting at picnic table in the front discussing stuff as I got bored with there conversation I noticed a hole in the back fence that was partly covered by a piano as I'm walking towards the hole in the fence I noticed a white dog/wolf maybe¿ can't remember but it was attacking the hole in the fence and my step mom was warning me to leave the dog alone bc it will attack me but I went to it any way I tried to move the piano over to let the dog over but it didn't buge meanwhile the dog is way more aggressive now that Im close by and I noticed some loose planks of wood in the hole and my step mom was complaining about the Neighbors lazy attempts at covering up the hole that's why the paino is there and then continues to warn me to not let the dog out but once again I didn't listen to Hellen fuck Hellen and her Authority anywho so I grabbed the wood planks out and let the dog out it was actually really happy to see me and cuddle me and gave me kisses and then I let it ran off I was going to follow it but for some reason I want to play the piano I hit one key note after another untill I pressed down on one and it didn't make any sound so I opened it up to find a phone the phone was really weird looking and a lil hevy it was a pink touch screen phone with a sailboat and Lighthouse charm hanging from the corner of the phone also had a bit of a crack screen and when I tried to snop through the phone to see who it belongs to my mom kept yelling at me to stop going through the phone bc it wasn't mine and I was like I need to to find out who owns it to give it back and then woke up b4 I could call the person mom about the phone